Dr. Zargar Eyecare
86 Major MacKenzie Dr W Richmond Hill ON L4C3S2 (905) 883-8182

Children's Eye Exam in Richmond Hill


Is My Child Experiencing Vision Problems?

Sometimes, it can be hard to tell. After all, young children cannot always effectively communicate when something is wrong. At our eye clinic, we understand that children may not know how to voice their vision problems.

That is why, as parents, it is vital to pay attention and have regular eye exams for your kids. If you notice your children frequently doing the following, it could mean they have a problem:

  • Frequently rubbing their eyes
  • Blinking excessively
  • Squinting, covering, or closing one eye
  • Frequently tilting their head
  • Holding books or tablets close to their face while reading
  • Sitting too close to the television
  • Complaining of headaches or dizziness
  • Having unexplained performance issues at school
  • Having trouble maintaining eye contact
  • Otherwise inexplicable clumsiness

These symptoms can sometimes be suggestive of larger issues, which could benefit from our vision therapy services.

It is important to book an eye appointment for your child if you notice any of the above behaviors.

Pediatric Eye Exam Schedule

At our children’s eye clinic, Our optometrists understand how the eye grows and what to look for in every stage of development. Therefore it is important to have your children examined at these critical stages:

Your child should undergo their first optometric eye exam between the ages of 6 and 9 months. At this time, we will check basic eye health and ensure your child is developing hand-eye coordination and depth perception.

Your child’s second exam should be scheduled between the ages of 2 and 5 years. At this time, we will assess eye health and determine whether your child can properly focus their vision both up close and at a distance. We will also test their binocular vision and test for any signs of strabismus (crossed eyes) and amblyopia (lazy eye).

From the ages of 6 to 19, we recommend children have their eyes examined on an annual basis. In this age group, myopia (nearsightedness) is common, and many children are prescribed eyeglasses or contact lenses to correct refractive disorders. Other tests include tests for eye alignment and depth perception, as well as ocular health testing.

We Support the Eye See…Eye Learn Program

Ensure your child has clear vision with the Eye See…Eye Learn program which provides your junior kindergarden child one free pair of glasses. Click here to learn more and find out if your child is eligable.

Visit Our Office

Our Address

86 Major Mackenzie Drive West
Richmond Hill, ON L4C 3S2

Contact Information

Phone: (905) 883-8182
Fax: (905) 884-9917

Hours of Operation

8:00 AM to 6:00 PM
8:00 AM to 6:00 PM
8:00 AM to 6:00 PM
8:00 AM to 8:00 PM
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
10:00 AM to 5:00 PM

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