Dr. Zargar Eyecare
86 Major MacKenzie Dr W Richmond Hill ON L4C3S2 (905) 883-8182
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Can Ortho-K Cure Myopia Permanently?

A close up view of a left hand holding an ortho-k contact lens between the thumb and index finger. A bottle of eye drops is out of focus in the background.

Myopia, commonly known as nearsightedness, is becoming increasingly prevalent worldwide. Traditionally, myopia has been corrected by wearing glasses or contacts, or by using eye surgery to correct vision. However, there are other possible approaches. Orthokeratology lenses, also known as ortho-k, are specialty contact lenses that are worn at night but correct vision during the day. […]

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Can I Wear Ortho-K Lenses During the Day?

An extreme close-up of a person's eye as they look upward. A contact lens is visible on the surface of their eye.

If you’re a contact lens wearer or someone dealing with myopia, you’ve probably heard about orthokeratology (Ortho-K) lenses. Traditionally, Ortho-K lenses are worn overnight, and their vision-improving benefits last into the following day without them needing to be worn while you’re awake. But what about wearing Ortho-K lenses during the day, like regular soft contacts? […]

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How Does Neurolens Work?

A smiling young man wearing glasses and a blue shirt and standing against a blue background with his arms crossed.

You might be dealing with eye misalignment if you often experience headaches, neck pain, or eye strain. Enter Neurolens, an innovative technology designed to address the issue of misaligned eyes. But how does Neurolens work? Neurolens works by incorporating contoured prisms into glasses to help align the eyes properly, relieving symptoms such as headaches, neck […]

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