Dr. Zargar Eyecare
86 Major MacKenzie Dr W Richmond Hill ON L4C3S2 (905) 883-8182
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Can I Wear Ortho-K Lenses During the Day?


Can I Wear Ortho-K Lenses During the Day?

An extreme close-up of a person's eye as they look upward. A contact lens is visible on the surface of their eye.

If you’re a contact lens wearer or someone dealing with myopia, you’ve probably heard about orthokeratology (Ortho-K) lenses. Traditionally, Ortho-K lenses are worn overnight, and their vision-improving benefits last into the following day without them needing to be worn while you’re awake. But what about wearing Ortho-K lenses during the day, like regular soft contacts?

Yes, you can wear Ortho-K lenses during the day—but most optometrists don’t recommend it. Ortho-K lenses are meant for a different purpose than daytime-wear lenses. They’re also designed with the expectation that the wearer will have their eyes closed while they’re wearing the lenses, which can pose problems for daytime use.

What Are Ortho-K Lenses?

Orthokeratology lenses, commonly called Ortho-K lenses, are rigid gas-permeable contact lenses that gently reshape the wearer’s cornea while the wearer sleeps. The reshaping of the cornea by the Ortho-K lenses then holds for the following day, without needing to wear glasses or traditional soft contacts. Ortho-K lenses are most often used to treat myopia, but may also be used to treat astigmatism or presbyopia. 

What Are Daytime Ortho-K Lenses?

Daytime Ortho-K lenses, as the name suggests, are orthokeratology lenses designed for wear during the day. Unlike traditional Ortho-K lenses that are worn overnight, these lenses provide myopia correction while you’re awake. The main difference lies in the wearing schedule, but the goal remains the same: to reshape the cornea for better vision.

Can Myopia Patients Wear Ortho-K Lenses During the Day?

Yes, myopia patients can wear Ortho-K lenses during the day in some circumstances. If you need to wear your Ortho-K lenses for a certain period of time every night and aren’t able to sleep for long enough, your optometrist may recommend that you wear your Ortho-K lenses for part of the day to ensure you wear them for the full length of time needed.

However, wearing Ortho-K lenses during the day does pose risks to your eye health. Thus, it’s essential to consult your optometrist about whether wearing Ortho-K lenses during the day is suitable for your specific condition and needs. 

Benefits of Using Daytime Ortho-K Lenses

A close-up of a person's face as they insert a contact lens, holding their eye open with their other hand.

Wearing Ortho-K lenses during the day has some of the same benefits as wearing them at night, including both correcting your vision and potentially slowing the progression of myopia

However, one of the main benefits of Ortho-K is that it provides freedom from wearing glasses or contact lenses during the day. Wearing Ortho-K lenses throughout the day completely negates that benefit. 

Potential Side Effects of Daytime Ortho-K Lenses

Ortho-K lenses are a special variety of rigid gas-permeable (RGP) lenses. This means that all the same pros and cons of RGP lenses compared to soft contact lenses apply to Ortho-K lenses, like being more durable, easier to handle, and providing more oxygen to your eye, but also being less comfortable and more likely to be dislodged. 

However, unlike regular RGP lenses, which are shaped to fit the curve of the wearer’s eyes, Ortho-K lenses correct myopia by pressing down on the wearer’s cornea to flatten it. There isn’t currently much evidence as to whether having that extra pressure on your eye for longer than intended has negative side effects, so it’s best to err on the side of caution and use your Ortho-K lenses as intended.

Are Daytime Ortho-K Lenses Right For You?

Ortho-K lenses are an effective option for treating and managing myopia in patients of all ages. They’re designed so that the benefits of wearing Ortho-K lenses at night will carry over into the following day. In certain situations, an optometrist may recommend that a patient wear their Ortho-K lenses during the day. However, like any other change to your eye care, this should only be done after consulting your optometrist.

If you feel you might benefit from wearing Ortho-K lenses during the daytime, Dr. Zargar Eyecare can help you evaluate your options and choose the most effective course of action. Contact us today to book an appointment!

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