Dr. Zargar Eyecare
86 Major MacKenzie Dr W Richmond Hill ON L4C3S2 (905) 883-8182
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Can You Wear Makeup with Dry Eye?


Can You Wear Makeup with Dry Eye?

A close-up of a person's upper face as they apply mascara.

Everyone talks about wearing makeup with dry skin, but have you ever thought about the challenges of wearing makeup with dry eyes? A huge number of cosmetic products are meant to be applied around your eyes, but some of these products contain ingredients that can also  harm your eyes—especially if they’re already dry. This is why some people wonder whether they should wear makeup at all if their eyes are too dry.

Don’t worry, though: Yes, you can wear makeup with dry eyes! All it takes is a little extra attention to choosing eye-friendly products and a bit of adjusting your technique.

How Dry Eyes Affect Wearing Makeup

Dry eye occurs when your tears aren’t able to provide adequate lubrication for your eyes. This condition can lead to discomfort, itching, and even sensitivity to light. For makeup lovers, these symptoms can make applying and wearing makeup a challenge. Common issues include:

  • Irritation: Dry eyes can become more irritated with certain makeup products.
  • Flaking: Makeup may not adhere well to dry skin, leading to flaking and a cakey appearance.
  • Sensitivity: Dry eyes can make your eyes more sensitive to makeup ingredients.

Tips for Choosing Makeup Products Suitable for Dry Eyes

Choosing the right makeup is crucial for avoiding discomfort and irritation. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Opt for Hypoallergenic Products: Look for labels that say “hypoallergenic” or “suitable for sensitive eyes” to reduce the risk of irritation.
  • Avoid Waterproof Makeup: Waterproof mascara and eyeliner can be harder to remove and may require harsh cleansers, which can exacerbate dry eye.
  • Choose Cream-Based Products: Cream eyeshadows and eyeliners are less likely to flake than powder-based products.
  • Check the Ingredients: Avoid products with alcohol, fragrance, or other irritants. Always do a patch test when trying new products.

Our clinic offers a wide range of mineral-based eye-friendly cosmetic products from brands like Alumier, Eyes Are the Story, and twenty/twenty. See our online store for the full selection.

Techniques for Applying Makeup When You Have Dry Eyes

Applying makeup with dry eyes requires a gentle approach. Here are some techniques to help you look your best without causing discomfort:

  • Prep Your Eyes: Use a hydrating eye drop before applying makeup to soothe and prepare your eyes.
  • Use a Gentle Hand: Apply makeup with a light touch. Avoid tugging or pulling on your eyelids.
  • Avoid the Waterline: Steer clear of applying eyeliner directly on the waterline to prevent irritation.
  • Limit Layers: Less is more when you have dry eyes. Avoid layering too many products around your eyes.

Eye Care and Makeup Hygiene for Dry Eye Sufferers

A close-up of one side of a person's upper face. The person is wiping their eye makeup away with a cotton pad.

Good eye care and makeup hygiene are essential for dry eye sufferers. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Clean Your Eyelids Well: You probably do this anyway as part of your regular skin care routine. Cleaning your eyelids well is extra important if you suffer from dry eyes, so that you remove any traces of makeup that might irritate your eyes. We offer eyelid cleaning products designed to give you a deep clean while being friendly to your eyes.
  • Clean Your Brushes Regularly: Dirty brushes can harbor bacteria that may irritate dry eyes.
  • Remove Makeup Thoroughly: Always remove your makeup at the end of the day using a gentle, hydrating makeup remover.
  • Avoid Sharing Makeup: Sharing makeup products can introduce bacteria to your eyes, increasing the risk of infection.
  • Replace Old Makeup: Discard old makeup, especially eye products, to avoid using expired or contaminated items.

Dealing with Dry Eyes Directly

As handy as these tips are, an even better solution is to prevent your eyes from drying out in the first place. There are many reasons why your eyes might be dry, and some of them are genuine eye health issues that need an optometrist’s attention. Leaving your eyes dry can also potentially lead to other problems, like blurry vision and headaches

Luckily, there are many ways to prevent or treat dry eye, including a couple we’ve already covered. Using eye drops before you apply makeup will lubricate your eyes directly, and cleaning your eyelids thoroughly prevents buildup of things that dry your eyes out. Drinking enough water, using a humidifier, and getting plenty of omega-3s in your diet can all help prevent dry eye, too. 

If at-home remedies aren’t enough to solve your dry eye problem, don’t hesitate to see an optometrist for recommendations. Our clinic can suggest and provide in-office treatments like intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy, LipiFlow, and radiofrequency (RF) treatment.

Don’t Let Dry Eyes Ruin Your Look

You don’t have to skip wearing makeup just because your eyes are dry. By choosing the right products, using gentle application techniques, and maintaining good eye care habits, you can wear makeup with dry eyes without discomfort. 

However, just because you can still wear makeup doesn’t mean dry eye is harmless. Dry eye is still an eye condition that needs to be treated. The professionals at Dr. Zargar Eyecare can help you figure out why your eyes are dry, make sure there aren’t any underlying problems, and recommend options for treatment so you can stay focused on your look.

If you have issues with recurring dry eyes and are looking for more information, book an appointment with us today!

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