Dr. Zargar Eyecare
86 Major MacKenzie Dr W Richmond Hill ON L4C3S2 (905) 883-8182
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Can Eye Makeup Remover Cause Dry Eyes


Can Eye Makeup Remover Cause Dry Eyes

A young woman removing eye makeup on her right eye using a cotton pad with her right hand.

Dry eye is a common eye condition with many underlying causes. While makeup itself doesn’t cause dry eyes, some makeup products, including certain removers, can worsen dry eye symptoms if you already have dry eyes.

Regardless of what causes or exacerbates your dry eye, regular eye exams can help determine the underlying cause and provide treatment for symptom relief. You can also maintain eye health by carefully considering which makeup products to use and which to avoid, and by changing your makeup habits.

What Is Dry Eye?

Dry eye is an ocular surface disease that affects around 30% of Canadians. It occurs when your eyes don’t produce enough tears or your tears are of poor quality. Dry eye often results in eye discomfort, irritation, and vision issues such as blurred vision. Other common symptoms of dry eye include:

  • Burning or stinging sensation
  • A gritty feeling in the eyes
  • Eye redness
  • Eye pain
  • Excessive tearing
  • Sensitivity to light

Causes of Dry Eye

The tear film that coats the eye’s surface contains water, oil, and mucous, which protect the eye, lubricate the eye, and prevent tears from evaporating too quickly. However, if the eye produces fewer tears or if the tear film is lacking one of its components, this can lead to dry eye.

Causes of dry eye from insufficient tears or an unstable tear film include:

Understanding the basics of dry eye and its underlying causes can help to identify and manage its triggers effectively.

Eye Makeup, Makeup Remover, & Dry Eyes

A young woman sitting with a bottle of eye drops for dry eye in her right hand and looking at a desk mirror while holding her left eye open with her left hand.

Eye makeup can contaminate the eyes. This is particularly true of products that come in close contact with the eyes or the lash line, such as mascara, eyeliner, and eyeshadow with loose particles. These products can flake off during the day and get into your eyes or the tear film and irritate your eyes.

Eye makeup often contains potential irritants such as preservatives, fragrances, and certain pigments. These chemicals can lead to inflammation and exacerbate existing dryness. Makeup products can also clog the meibomian glands, which are located in the eyelids and produce the oil necessary for  tears. Tears evaporate faster without a proper oil layer, thereby worsening dry eyes.

Makeup removers that contain oil and parabens can also worsen dry eye symptoms. Choose makeup products designed for sensitive eyes to avoid aggravating your dry eye symptoms.

Choosing the Right Eye Makeup Products

Opting for a gentle and hydrating eye makeup or remover is essential for those suffering from dry eyes. Look for makeup products that are alcohol-free, fragrance-free, and hypoallergenic. Ingredients without these properties can strip the natural oils from your skin and eyes, causing increased dryness and irritation.

Avoid removers with harsh chemicals like sulphates and parabens. Instead, seek out those containing soothing ingredients to help maintain moisture and reduce inflammation.

Daily Eye Care & Makeup Habits

Maintaining good daily eye care habits can help prevent dry eyes and improve overall eye health. Here are some tips for eye care and eye hygiene:

  • Wash your face with a gentle cleanser every day.
  • Gently scrub or exfoliate your eyelid margin and eyelid area to maintain eye health.
  • Use a clean towel to pat your face dry.
  • Avoid any rough rubbing around the eye area.
  • Use an eye cream that provides extra hydration to the delicate skin around your eyes.

Tips for applying and removing eye makeup:

  • Use lubricating eye drops for around 30 minutes before applying makeup.
  • For each type of makeup, use separate applicators.
  • Use creamy eyeshadow instead of powder eye shadow, as the latter can fall into your eyes.
  • Apply eye makeup outside your eyelashes instead of on the inner eyelid rim.
  • Use minimal mascara or thickening mascara, which is less likely to flake, and apply it only to the tip of the eyelashes.
  • Use makeup on other areas of your face instead of the eyes.
  • Always remove your makeup before bed, and make sure to use a makeup remover without preservatives. Sleeping with makeup on can clog your pores and irritate your eyes, exacerbating dryness.
  • Wash makeup brushes regularly.
  • Avoid using makeup when you have an eye infection.

Eye-Friendly Products for Healthy Eyes

Taking care of your eyes involves more than just using the right makeup products; it’s about adopting comprehensive habits that contribute to eye health and comfort. While eye makeup remover alone isn’t the primary cause of dry eyes, it can certainly play a role in exacerbating the symptoms.

By choosing eye-friendly products and maintaining good eye care and makeup habits, you can enjoy wearing makeup without compromising your eye health and vision. For more information on personalized eye health and mineral makeup products for the eyes, book an appointment with Dr. Zargar Eyecare. 

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